Monday, December 19, 2011

A New Bloggerrrrrrrrrr has joined the family of bloggers :D!!!

So yesterday which was the 19th of December, after careful consideration and looking at passion and love for plus size fashion, i have decided to attempt blogging as a hobby...since i am a fashion lover and I'm also a plus sized diva(something very rare where i come from), I'm focusing my blog on plus size fashion and how to make u love and embrace your body just the way you can add me up on Facebook "toby ogundipe"...follow me on twitter @oya_stop_it or email me on


  1. We just found your blog on instagram and your style is amazing! Our blog is new too-actually a day old :) follow us. Thanks.

    1. Thank you!!! I appreciate it a lot!!! ==) i would be sure to follow back!!!
